Work permit process in Bangladesh – Work permit is mandatory for every foreign national seeking employment in Bangladesh
Apply Work permit
Work permit is mandatory for every foreign national seeking employment in Bangladesh. There are three government authorities issue work permit in Bangladesh.
- For private sector industrial enterprise, branch office and liaison office, outside of Export Processing Zone (EPZ) – Board of Investment (BOI).
- For employment of foreign national in the EPZ – Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA).
- For employment of foreign national in any NGO – NGO Affairs Bureau.
Work permit issued by BOI :

Private sector industrial enterprises, branch office, liaison/representative office desiring to employ foreign nationals are required to apply to BOI in a prescribed from. While issuing work permit, BOI usually follows the following guidelines:
- Only nationals of countries recognized by Bangladesh are considered for employment.
- Employment of expatriate personnel will be considered only in industrial/commercial establishments which are sanctioned/registered by the appropriate authority.
- Employment of foreign nationals is normally considered for the job for which local experts/technicians are not available.
- Persons below 18 years of age are not eligible for employment.
- A decision of the board of directors of the concerned company for new employment/employment extension is to be furnished in each case.
- The number of foreign employees should not exceed 5% in the industrial sector and 20% in commercial sector of the total employees, including top management personnel.
- Initially, employment of any foreign national is considered for a term of two years, which may be extended on the basis of merit of the case.
- Ministry of Home Affairs will issue necessary security clearance certificate.
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- The employer is required to publish a newspaper advertisement or online advertisement for the recruitment. This requirement is not always mandatory.
- The foreign national should arrive in Bangladesh with “E” (for employees) or “PI” (for investor) type visa. BOI’s recommendation might be required prior to issuing those types of visa.
- Within 15 days from the date of arrival of the foreign national, application for work permit should be submitted to BOI. A fee of BDT 5,000 is applicable in this regard.
The following papers/documents are required for new work permit:
- Application in prescribed form along with passport size photographs of the foreign national(s) attested by the Managing Director/Managing Partner/Proprietor/appropriate authority.
- Attested copy of the permission letter for Branch/Liaison Office/Company.
- Commercial Enterprise from the appropriate authority, if not submitted earlier.
- Board resolution regarding employment of foreign national(s) including salary & other benefit.
- Memorandum, Article of Association and Certificate of Incorporation of the Company duly signed by shareholders, if not submitted earlier.
- Attested photocopy of passport with arrival stamp ‘E’ type visa for employee and ‘PI’ type visa for investors.
- Attested copy of service contract/agreement and appointment letter, in case of employee.
- Attested copies of all academic, professional and experience certificate for employee.
- Paper clipping showing advertisement made for recruitment of local personnel prior to appointment of the foreign national(s).
- Statement of manpower showing list of local and expatriate personnel employed with designation, salary details, nationality and date of first appointment.
- Encashment certificate of inward remittance in favor of Liaison/Branch office for the last 2 years.
- Encashment certificate of inward remittance of minimum US$ 50,000 as initial establishment cost for branch/liaison offices and locally incorporated/join-venture and 100% foreign ownership companies.
- Up-to-date income tax certificate for branch office of the locally incorporated companies in Bangladesh.
All documents to be attested by the Managing Director/Managing Partner/Proprietor of the Company/Firm.
- Once the application is submitted, BOI would then sent letter to Ministry of Home Affairs for security clearance.
- After obtaining security clearance, BOI will issue the work permit.